Reserving Space & A Torah

If you have already arranged for Rabbi Tishkoff to officiate at your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah service, then please provide him with the following information so he can reserve space & a Torah, as well as prepare a certificate in honor of this event:

    Bar MitzvahBat Mitzvah

    Child's First & Last English Name (required)

    Child's Hebrew Name

    First & Last English Name of One Parent (required)

    Hebrew Name of One Parent

    First & Last English Name of Other Parent

    Hebrew Name of Other Parent

    Home Mailing Address

    Home Synagogue (if any)



    Kotel AreaMasadaHomeOther:

    Approximate number of people in your party:


    7:30 - 9:00 am9:00 - 10:30 amOther:

    Email Address (required)